Thursday, December 16, 2010

SAG Awards Reaction

After another insomnia-ridden night (goddamn it, I can't have this, finals are coming!) I delayed sleep for another half hour or so to watch the SAG award nominations be announced on TV. Thoughts....

1) Man, Angie Harmon is annoying (and I don't really know who she is...). Please, stop trying to be all host-y! As of now it doesn't matter if you're beautiful or successful or whatnot, as of now you are a vessel to serve the purpose of conveying some crucial awards information!

2) Yay! John Hawkes (Winter's Bone) got a nomination

3) So did Jeremy Renner (The Town)! Yikes. They're both supposed to be the fifth that means Andrew Garfield The Social Network didn't get in. Oh, that is sad. Ooooh, that hurts me.

4) Jeff Bridges (True Grit) AND Robert Duvall (Get Low)? So much for the "young Oscars takeover". They are definitely rooting for the veterans. Eisenberg and Franco in, wheww....wait, who does that mean they left out? Oh. No Ryan Gosling :(

5) Mila Kunis (Black Swan) gets a nom for Supporting Actress! Nathaniel R of "The Film Experience" is not going to be pleased about this, though I'm happy for her.

6) Hailee Steinfeld! They have some real love for True Grit. (still need to see it)

7) Ok, so Jacki Weaver (Animal Kingdom) doesn't get a nomination, despite having gained the support of thousands (ok, maybe not thousands, but pretty much all) of critics who have keeled before her and sung hymns of praise and poetic blurbs for her. Stupid SAG.

8) Bening, Nicole Kidman (Rabbit Hole), who's definitely a lock by now....going well so far.

9) What the what! Hillary Swank for Conviction instead of Lesley Manville or Michelle Williams? As Emma Watson would say charmingly, "oh, this is controver-see-ul!" The hissing of movie bloggers around the net is almost audible.

Verdict: Who'da thought the SAG component would be the most unexpected set of nominations yet. Pleased with John Hawkes, NOT pleased with Andrew Garfield, Blue Valentine, Jacki Weaver omissions.

Well, they have time to change their minds before the Oscars roll around.


  1. Jacki Weaver should be nominated, especially with a chilling performance. Hailee Steinfeld?! She's young and her performance in True Grit doesn't even COMPARE to Weaver.

  2. @Ariel - not to mention it's major category fraud. Hailee Steinfeld I loved, but she belongs in the Best Actress category.
