Monday, July 5, 2010

Stuff White People Like

How many things on the list do you like?

Film festivals, organic food, feeling bad about not going outside, Wes Anderson movies, non-profit organizations, tea, awareness, traveling, wine, David Sedaris (!), Manhattan, Not having a TV (at least during my childhood), The Daily Show, Netflix, vintage, irony, dogs, natural medicine, bicycles, sushi, Knowing What's Best For Poor People (in all fairness my family was quite poor while they were starting out), recycling, gentrification, study abroad, Sweaters (cashmere), being offended, peacoats, Facebook, self-aware hip hop references (but only because of my cousin), bottles of water, Japan, Promising to Learn a New Language, Halloween, moleskin notebooks, Where the Wild Things Are, camping, Vespa scooters, Ray-Bans, Conan, Picking My Own Fruit.

The big reveal: I'm not white, but judging by my self-produced whiteness scale, 40/133 qualifies me as Somewhat White. I should probably launch into a psychoanalysis report but I think I'll laugh this one off instead.

What they should consider for #134: Having a blog. Don't know why it's not up there yet.

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