Wednesday, January 27, 2010

An Actorphile's Lament

*our last hope?*

There is such a dearth of good, young American actors with potential right now. And don't give me any of that "Jesse Eisenberg-Emile Hirsch" crap. Both of them are good and try hard, but I'm talking about star-of-our-generation potential. An Edward Norton Jr with unparalleled instinct, and who craps effortless magnificance, only with the actual balls to stay in the game.

Which is why I decided to forgo my previous, inexplicable dislike of Joseph Gordon Levitt (ok, ok, it did piss me off tremendously when everyone was saying that he was the new Heath Ledger and HL had only been gone for about three months). He's extremely talented, instinctive, intelligent, and has the physique and looks to become "big" (sorry, Jesse Eisenberg. But you'll look twelve forever. Until one day you become overweight and forty overnight, kind of like Anthony Michael Hall). By the way, is JGL really Caucasian? I could have sworn my left ear that he was half-Asian at the very most. I guess these things just happen.

And according to this article, Gosling hasn't the gumption to stay in film. To me, this is reminiscent of Hayden Christansen's claim a few years ago that Hollywood "no longer interested him and he was looking into architecture" or some other pussyfooting nonsense. And I'm not too worried about JGL's love for filmmaking - sooner or later, all great actors stray behind the camera anyway. Just hope he can retain his passion for both.

And this article mentioned this Michael Pitt. I've never heard of him, but I do hope this new "Boardwalk Empire" show with Steve Buscemi will do his career good. (By the way, the upcoming series looks *awesome*. There's also Michael Shannon as part of the cast. Hope it's kickass. Can't wait. )

And other good, young American actors? I heard Ben Foster kicks ass. He's 29...and good looking to boot. Cast him in bigger pictures, people! Take a risk! Movie producers are such assholes. Big marquee names don't mean SHIT anymore. Actually, they never really did. "Nine", anybody? "The Graduate?"

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