Reservoir Dogs - The most psychological and intense of the Tarantino movies I've seen so far - loved it, loved it. Never got the cult of Steve Buscemi until now. "You're acting like a first-year thief. I'm acting like a professional!"

Badass with a (relative) conscience - Harvey Keitel
Almost Famous - A bit wandering at times, I feel, but nevertheless it's one of these passion movies that makes you want to step inside the protagonists' shoes for awhile. For a few minutes afterwards, I vaguely wondered why I had never considered the profession of rock journalist before; it was clearly the most exciting and viable option out there, before I remembered that I didn't know shit about rock and roll. Nada on the acting, though,
The Ballad of Jack and Rose - newest addition to my Day-Lewis spree, and even if it's not a particularly well-made movie, a fascinating foray that centered around an Electra-complex-like relationship between Jack (Day-Lewis) and his daughter, intertwined around the themes like misguided intentions and the power of parental influence. I liked the look of the hippie communes in it, and it was a reminder that I should see different movies more often - not just those with tons of critical praise. The most interesting movies aren't always the better-crafted ones. Jack and Rose, for all its faults, was definitely unforgettable.
Those to look forward to - I've been spreadin' the joy (Reservoir Dogs) to my friends, so meanwhile I checked out a few from the library -
Raging Bull (this is part of my backwards-chronological journey into Scorsese. Mean Streets is thankfully in my Netflix queue - I need more Harvey Keitel)
Moulin Rouge - I only saw the end, and it all seemed preposterous, but it is one of these movies that people genuinely love, and it has endured over time, so I gotta check this out.
Netflix - Boogie Nights and Sid and Nancy. (First one for my mandatory Paul Thomas Anderson education).
Can't wait for all four.
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