Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oscar Rant #1

And J. LO FOR GOD'S SAKE. Adam Skank-man if you're trying to be hip then at least keep up with us. Who gives a crap about J. Lo anymore?

I realized what I missed. Each year, there's at least ONE montage featuring past movies and actors that are completely unfamiliar to me, that makes me think "wow, who are they? What are these movies?" and inflame my love for movies all over again. This year all we had was the horror montage, aka "excuse to slip in a Twilight scene at the Oscars" montage. There was no REAL celebration of movies, of the past. The Oscars are just as important in honoring tradition and the ghosts of films and actresses and actors past as they are about the Now. I mean, what was up with that tidbit about The Dark Knight? Everything felt dreadfully contrived. "Look! That movie you and your eight-year-old cousin watching actually recognize! Aren't we cool?" I actually missed Sid Ganis, I missed the awkward silences and the long dull speeches. There was a lot of disinterested "you're Taylor Lautner, I'm sure as hell not going to clap for you" moments to "MERYL STREEP AKA THE ONLY CLASSIC HOLLYWOOD ACTOR HERE TONIGHT" sappiness and not a lot in between.

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