Monday, January 11, 2010


Feeling good lately, as I've been on a roll of really wonderful movies. Sometimes I'll go through a drought, of "people-call-this-great?" disappointment, but I just loved everything I got my hands on lately. Plus some of my friends saw The Godfather for a class recently (God praise schools) and they both loved it as well, and one of them couldn't stop gushing over how insanely compelling and sexy Al Pacino was in it. Win. 

Reservoir Dogs - The most psychological and intense of the Tarantino movies I've seen so far - loved it, loved it. Never got the cult of Steve Buscemi until now. "You're acting like a first-year thief. I'm acting like a professional!"

Badass with a (relative) conscience - Harvey Keitel 

Almost Famous - A bit wandering at times, I feel, but nevertheless it's one of these passion movies that makes you want to step inside the protagonists' shoes for awhile. For a few minutes afterwards, I vaguely wondered why I had never considered the profession of rock journalist before; it was clearly the most exciting and viable option out there, before I remembered that I didn't know shit about rock and roll. Nada on the acting, though,

The Ballad of Jack and Rose - newest addition to my Day-Lewis spree, and even if it's not a particularly well-made movie, a fascinating foray that centered around an Electra-complex-like relationship between Jack (Day-Lewis) and his daughter, intertwined around the themes like misguided intentions and the power of parental influence. I liked the look of the hippie communes in it, and it was a reminder that I should see different movies more often - not just those with tons of critical praise. The most interesting movies aren't always the better-crafted ones. Jack and Rose, for all its faults, was definitely unforgettable. 

Those to look forward to - I've been spreadin' the joy (Reservoir Dogs) to my friends, so meanwhile I checked out a few from the library -

Raging Bull (this is part of my backwards-chronological journey into Scorsese. Mean Streets is thankfully in my Netflix queue - I need more Harvey Keitel)

Moulin Rouge - I only saw the end, and it all seemed preposterous, but it is one of these movies that people genuinely love, and it has endured over time, so I gotta check this out. 

Netflix - Boogie Nights and Sid and Nancy. (First one for my mandatory Paul Thomas Anderson education). 

Can't wait for all four. 

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