Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Plea to AMPAS

I don't care if The Social Network loses, only that David Fincher wins Best Director. Please, Oscars, uphold a shred of dignity by giving the award to that man, because you know he deserves it. I have a feeling they will even if he did lose the DGA (because members of the Director's Guild are poopy phonies), and even if the directors won't vote for Fincher, he's still universally adored by actors, and actors make up the biggest proportion of AMPAS.

At the Globes, when Fincher went up onstage to give his acceptance speech, all the actors had these looks of very serious attentiveness and longing as they watched him talk, in a kind of "do whatever you want to me, I will serve you as a footstool on the set of your next movie if only you'll let me bask in your genius" kind of way, and besides, he's worked with so many big and respected names. Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Edward Norton, Cate Blanchett, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Forest Whitaker. Like, some *very* big names. He is probably one of the most appreciated directors working right now, especially for his (in)famous reputation as an actor's director. Or maybe I'm just trying to rationalize why he'll still win. Just pleaseeeeee give it to Fincher. COME ON. Kthanksbye.

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