Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2nd Annual Golden Globes Rage

It was a good thing no one else was home with the exception of my puppy (not a puppy anymore, but I still call my baby that because she looks like one) sleeping under the covers because then I could give full vent to my feelings and moan "Oh...... GOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDD!" without inhibition.

after reading that Justin Bieber and Zac Efron will be both presenters at the Golden Globes. I realize that every teenage/preteen girl is screaming the same thing, albeit in a different tone, but my god, they really are past pretending that their presenters have anything to do with the movie biz at all, aren't they? I mean, I actually don't have anything against Bieber, unlike most people. I think he's adequately talented and has the right skills and understanding of the industry. But realllllllllllllllllllllyyyyy? Again, I simply don't understand why awards shows bother to cater to the pre-teen set since the Globes will be totally past their bedtime. They'll have to introduce him in the first half-hour if they want the targeted demographic to tune in.

And WHY the awards show obsession still with Jennifer Lopez? She hasn't been relevant for about eight years. The last movie she did that comes to mind is that movie with Jane Fonda...let's see, she did come out with a movie in 2010 - The Back-Up Plan, which I recall seeing promos for even though I still can't tell you what it's about - and that was her first movie in three years. She also has no further upcoming projects (she did American Idol, right?) and is well on her way to becoming a mere smudge in the history books of pop culture. C'mon, globes. I understand the fascination with Bieber at least, but Lopez' presence is just a puzzle.

The sad thing is, earlier I remember someone writing on a blog - "next thing you know they'll be inviting Justin Bieber to the Globes" and well, just comes to show that you can never set your standards low enough for the Globes - they'll defy your wildest expectations for crap.

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