Thursday, August 19, 2010

Barring the Date

It's official. The weekend of Dec. 10-12 is fully booked for me. Don't text, call, email, or Facebook me, unless it's to discuss the occupations of said weekend.

Coming out all on the same date (Dec. 10); three favorite hotties - namely Johnny Depp in The Tourist, Skandar Keynes (aka Edmund) in the third installment of the Narnia series, and the David O. Russell smackdown, featuring my ex-beloved Christian Bale.

I seriously hope Depp has his mojo back on for the Tourist. Any variation of his Agent Sands character from Once Upon a Time in Mexico will do. The Youtube bastards took the "Shoot the Cook" sequence from the movie down, so I can't post any clip as proof of his undiluted brilliance in that movie. As for Angelina Jolie, who is unfortunately costarring in the drama, I could seriously care less. She's in the same league of acting as Leonardo Dicaprio - whatever spark or force of persona that propelled them to fame have long been sucked dry by some rancid combination of complacency and slowly-revealed mediocrity. Nowadays, when I watch either of them act, I don't see a character, only a succession of gestures; some dramatic eyebrow chewing, loud meltdowns, furrowed intensity. He really enjoys grimacing and she really enjoys smirking over her shoulder. A bit more hollering inserted if they're really gunning for that Oscar nom.

As for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, I profess to having a thing for Skandar Keynes, who plays Edmund. He was so excellent and stealthy in the second movie. Fun trivia: Skandar's a descendant of Charles Darwin and four million other famous people.

I have mixed feelings about The Fighter - word out is that everyone involved in the movie is on their A-game, but Bale has again lost a drastic amount of weight for the role - I saw a few pictures and he looked ghastly, frankly. I can't stand it. It impressed me a lot when I was a fledging fan - "he's so dedicated!" but weight fluctuation is just an acting gimmick. I think Daniel Day Lewis had an excellent quote, where he - the ultimate shapeshifter - said that hardcore preparation for a role, such as losing weight or gaining a beard, etc. etc., was only dressing on the salad - the character still stems from within. Ultimately, exterior changes are overrated. Plus, it just doesn't make sense to be losing weight if you're going to be playing a boxer, even if the real-life boxer was a lightweight. Plus, I'm sure that these weight regimes affects his brain cells, and we all know that the best actors are also the smartest.

I do hope there will be trailers out for The Wahlberg and The Depp soon, though.


  1. serious weight gain or weight loss always seems like some PR ploy in bad taste to me. And its downright unhealthy, especially since this is the second time Bale has gotten down to dangerous numbers. I agree with Daniel Day Lewis overall.

    I'm going to Scotland to study abroad!

  2. third time, actually - he got all skeletor for Rescue Dawn, as well. Not to mention all the times he suddenly buffed up a ridiculousssss amount - the producers on Batman Begins actually asked him to LOSE some muscle mass before they started shooting.

  3. i don't see why Bale must be healthy for "the fighter" : he acts a crackhead/drug addict(they're not the most healthy people i know)
