I need to buy this

Between Coraline, Bright Star, and Fantastic Mr. Fox, last year was truly special (in movie-going terms, that is). I brought the Coraline DVD as a birthday present for my friend, and ended up watching it four times with her. Each time, I notice new things - a painstaking detail or a sly foreshadowing. You know, signs of effort and innovation, two things Tim Burton forgot on his way to the box office. That's why it pisses me off - have I mentioned this before? - whenever people shrug off Coraline because "they don't care for Tim Burton". "It's not Tim Burton!" I practically scream at them. "No association with him whatsoever! None! Nada! Zip! It has none of Burton's self-satisfied trademarks! It does not mistake weirdness for originality, it does not throw together paper-thin plotlines with redundant art designs and then call it a day! It is hilarious and suspenseful and otherworldly and layered and magical and magnificently presented and -"
In other words, I need to go buy the DVD.
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