Friday, March 4, 2011

I Can Feel It Coming

Like a storm.....on the....horizon. Like a curious sensation - oh whatever. I suck shit at metaphors.

Another "Actor Obsession" is heading this way. I may or may not find Michael Fassbender extremely intriguing right now. After watching him woo Mia Wasikowska passionately and walk around tight pants (bless the costume designer) for two hours, I suddenly find him to be a really really really interesting person. Isn't that strange? How original of me.

But thank god. It's been too long.

UPDATE: Oh shit! I guess it's not meant to be. The problem with these crushes of mine, is that the actor and the person are always inextricable for me. I love the actor because of the person and I love the person because of the actor and oh, it's just always a stupid mess. I always have to google them and I can only really fall in love with them if they prove to be an equally gorgeous human being, and most of the time they ARE (or so they seem so). Ralph Fiennes, Paul Rudd, whatever - just come off as classy and intelligent people. It just enhances the illusion of the actor when I feel like I can love the person behind it. In my process of falling-into-obssession, two things happened: 1) I thought he wasn't very good in a certain movie (granted, the movie of question itself sucked and he was slightly miscast) and 2) He dissed a movie that I esteem very highly. This is where my inner snob emerges - I think you just have to have good taste to like this movie. Cue hurt feelings and shattered fangirl illusions and what I recognize as collectively silly behavior, but the budding Actor Obsession melted right there and then. Oh Michael, it's too bad. But you're going to have a billion other fangirls, so I'm sure you'll be fine. We'll always have JE.

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