Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Remembering A Beloved Class

Sometimes I look back at my AP Art History class and miss it like crazy. I love college and this semester's classes are great, but there are 2-3 certain classes I took in high school that were simply unmatched in their brilliance and vibrancy. AP Art History was one of them. I may not have always enjoyed (okay, mostly I resented) memorizing fifty pieces of art in one night for a test the next day, but how wonderful the discussions were, how amazing it was to literally see your perspective of an art piece morph before your eyes as the teacher described its qualities and altered the way you saw art forever. I actually even enjoyed taking the AP test *cough nerd*.

It's amazing how much I still reference the lessons and the art pieces we learned. My psych professor talked about modern art in our last lecture, and I brought up the Venus of Willendorf to make a point about culture in my english seminar the other day. A very close friend and fellow art-lover (we sat in AP Art History together) is coming in April and the first thing we shall do, certainly, is hit up some art museums and argue about Rococo (she adores it, I find it nauseating) and obsess over our old art history teacher. Can't wait.

From top to bottom: "Mrs Fiske Warren and Her Daughter'", John Singer Sargent. "Venus of Willendorf", unknown. "Nighthawks", Edward Hopper. "Judith Slaying Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileshi

*For instance, my teacher would be absolutely ashamed by the fact that I've cited the paintings without their full information, something I always got points off in our tests. I just can't do dates for art, okay?

But everyone should take an art history class at one point in their lives or another. It's one of the best things you can do.

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